The first time you drive a wheelchair accessible vehicle, you will probably be exhilarated. It’s an amazing feeling being able to transport yourself in a motor vehicle after living with limited mobility. However, you need to be careful as you adjust to a wheelchair accessible vehicle. The last thing you want to do is put the safety of yourself and others at risk when you are on the road. We want to make sure you always arrive safely at your destination with Charlotte wheelchair van rentals, which is why we’ve put together a list of some important wheelchair accessible vehicle safety tips below. If you are interested in the most reliable and affordable North Carolina wheelchair van rentals, reach out to Wheelers Accessible Van Rentals today.

#1 Be Careful When Transferring

Transferring is the action of moving yourself from your wheelchair into the driver seat. It’s important to be extra careful when you are transferring, as accidents can easily occur. Make sure you are in a clear and low-traffic area before you make the move. Also, you should look into the variety of different transfer seats that are available to help make the entire process a lot easier.

#2 Make Sure You Have a Compliant Chair

If you are not able to transfer, you will likely have to drive your wheelchair accessible vehicle from your wheelchair. That means you have to make sure that you have a chair that allows you to drive. You can select Charlotte wheelchair van rentals that are equipped to help you drive without having to transfer. Make sure you communicate well with the wheelchair van rental company to ensure that your wheelchair will be compatible. If you don’t have a compliant wheelchair, you can still potentially attach it to a vehicle. It’s a good idea to double check whether or not your chair is going to be compatible before you hit the road.

#3 Always Use Seat Belts / Restraints

Whenever you are riding in North Carolina wheelchair van rentals and wheelchair accessible vehicles, you should always use seat belts and restraints. Following the law and using the proper safety measures is absolutely essential. If not, you are putting your safety and the safety of others on the road at risk. This might be the most important safety tip for wheelchair accessible vehicles.

Get a Van Rental Quote Online Today!

Looking to rent a wheelchair accessible van from Wheelers Van Rentals? If so, click here to view our locations or here to get a quote online. If you have additional questions, please contact our team directly. We look forward to serving you!

Limited Time Spring Savings *$109/Day

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*Rentals dates must be 3-day minimum. Special rate is not available through online bookings - call-in only. Exclusions apply.